

Page history last edited by mdpalmer 9 years, 2 months ago


Welcome to Maria del Coral Palmer's Electronic Portfolio.





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My name is Maria del Coral Palmer.  I am presently  the Technology Support Teacher at Sharp Elementary School in Brownsville Independent School District. My goal is to promote technology integration while providing the appropriate hardware and software support and training for teachers and cultivating a positive attitude toward 21 Century learning systems.


The purpose of this e-portfolio is to capture, treasure and utilize all the different projects I have created while pursuing a Master's of Education in Educational Technology through the UT Telecampus and my home-campus,University of Texas Brownsville now University of Texas RGV. I am also completing coursework in the Master Technology Teacher (MTT) certification  program and a Certificate in the Leadership program.


After earning my Master's of Education in Educational Technology, I plan to utilize my knowledge and skills in a training capacity. I would like train teachers on ways to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms.


Master's e-Portfolio


This Master's E-Portfolio consists of a Reflection Letter, a Matrix page, list of courses taken while attending my Educational Technology Masters, and additional information.  You can navigate around my e-prtfolio by using the links on each page.





Copyright © 2009. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College


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